Monday, April 20, 2009

The Sun

I am “The Sun”, the beautiful one.

I give out light that shines so bright.

But I’m burning hot, like a boiling pot.

I am the star, that’s not so far.

I am “The Sun”, the beautiful one.

I am the brightest object in the sky,

I am always out when birds fly

When the clouds cover me, I don’t disappear.

I am just above cloud don’t you fear.

I am “The Sun”, the beautiful one.

Poorvi. T.

Monday, April 13, 2009



Bzzzz crrrr! Bugs are everywhere

Lady bugs are the best,

some butterfly looks like they have lemon zest.


They rhyme with three

They give fresh air to breathe.

They are strong, bold and really tough.

They let the animals sleep 'cause they had enough.

Poorvi T.


Different people

Different people everywhere, Different people fill the air.
Brown skin purple pink and blue,

You are different person too.


God, he is the great lord,
He is handsome loving its really true.

I love God don't you?


My mom is nice, she is warmer than ice,
she is sweet rude (sometimes)
she is heartful, and all those things,
it only feels like she has wings.

Poorvi. T



Summer Winter Spring fall,
Spring is the best of all.
Flowers blooming here and there,
Happy music fills the air


I am the sun, I am the beautiful one,
I give out light, that shines so bright,
I am burning hot liking a boiling pot
I am the sun, I am the beautiful one

Poorvi. T

Little World

My very own world

The world I want to see, is how I want the world to be.
I want the blooming flowers to have sweet and fresh fragrance.
That people want to have a glance.

I want everyone to be nice and kind, but I don't want people committing a crime.
I want everybody to be really truthful, while also being really grateful.

I want the rich and strong to share their money, and each cent is a drop of honey.
I don't want want anybody to cut down trees, which ruins the home of buzzing bees.

I want everybody to be nice and safe, and I want to spread it around the human race.
The world I want to see, is how I want the world to be.

By Poorvi.T
Grade 2